Top Sleepaway Summer Camps and Summer Sleepaway Programs for Kids & Teens in Ohio

Best Ohio Sleepaway Camps Summer 2025 Directory

Find the Best Sleepaway Camps in Ohio!

Over 53 Ohio Sleepaway Summer Camps Listed Below with In-Depth Camp Info, including: Videos, Photos, Maps & Detailed Descriptions

Best Ohio Sleepaway Camps in 2025
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Winter Sleepaway Camps, Programs, Workshops, & Classes in Ohio are Starting in February, 2025

Many of our Ohio Sleepaway Camps offer Winter Sleepaway Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.

Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Sleepaway Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.

Winter 2025 Sleepaway Camp Open Houses & Reunions

Many of our Sleepaway Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.

Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.

Best Ohio Year-Round
Sleepaway Camps, Classes & Sleepaway Programs

Many of our Best Ohio Summer Sleepaway Camps also offer Year Round Sleepaway Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Sleepaway Programs, too.

Best Ohio Winter Sleepaway Camp Jobs

Searching for Ohio Sleepaway Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Sleepaway Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.

View ALL OH Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.

Some of the Best Sleepaway Camps in the Midwest are here in Ohio.



YMCA Camp Lakewood
Potosi, Missouri

Ages: 6-17 . Coed Campers. Overnight Camp.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: YMCA Camp Lakewood is an awesome overnight adventure for children ages 6-17! With 5,200 acres and 360-acre lake, kids get outdoors having fun, making friends and learning new skills. They participate in sports, equestrian, arts & crafts, caving, high adventure, water activities and more, and also learn about accomplishment, belonging and character.

View this Featured Camp's Full Profile




Falcon Camp
Carrollton, OH

Ages: 6 - 16 . Coed Campers. Overnight Camp.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Widely recognized throughout the midwest as Ohio's premier summer camp since 1959, Falcon Camp offers a beautiful lakefront setting, a talented experienced staff and a wide variety of activities. Falcon provides an atmosphere that encourages young people to grow in spirit, skills, understanding, relationships, and attitudes. Fun for Now, Skills for Life is not just a catchy logo phrase but truly defines what Falcon is about.

View this Featured Camp's Full Profile




iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18
Locations: AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, NV, NH, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA, WI

Ages: 6 - 18 . Coed Campers. All Girl Campers. Overnight Camp. Day Camp. Half-Day & Full-Day Options.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: iD Tech is the world leader in summer STEM education, with 400,000 alumni since 1999, and 150 prestigious campus locations including Stanford, Caltech, and NYU. Students ages 7-19 learn to code, design video games and Fortnite-inspired levels, mod Minecraft, create with Roblox, engineer robots, model and print 3D characters, work with AI and machine learning, and more! Weeklong, day and overnight summer programs that instill in-demand skills and embolden students to shape the future. 

View this Featured Camp's Full Profile




Camp Pillsbury
Owatonna, Minnesota

Ages: 6-17 . Coed Campers. Overnight Camp. Day Camp.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Pillsbury is a unique summer camp for boys and girls ages 6 to 17. Strong offerings in Theater, Circus, Music, Dance, Sports, Magic, Technology, and more. More than 100 activities! Campers choose their activities daily, making each day special for each individual camper. Five, 2 WEEK sleepaway sessions begin June 14th to August 23rd. Enroll now at

View this Featured Camp's Full Profile




Brave Arts Theatre Workshop
Weston, Massachusetts

Ages: 7-15 for day session, 11-18 for overnight session . Coed Campers. Overnight Camp. Day Camp.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Brave Arts is a musical theater summer program for all levels of performers taught by professional actors and musicians. We teach the skills of musical theater on-stage while building community and confidence one child at a time off-stage. Each session ends with a showcase of theater and pop/rock songs and dances, featuring special moments for all of our performers. Don’t be surprised if you hear your child saying, “There's no place like home" - their Brave Arts home!

View this Featured Camp's Full Profile


 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Pillsbury

YMCA Camp Lakewood

Brave Arts Theatre Workshop


iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18

Visit Our iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18 Website
Held at 150+ prestigious campuses nationwide


Watch Our iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18 Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Half-Day & Full-Day, Overnight, and Weekend programs available.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: iD Tech is the world leader in summer STEM education, with 400,000 alumni since 1999, and 150 prestigious campus locations including Stanford, Caltech, and NYU. Students ages 7-19 learn to code, design video games and Fortnite-inspired levels, mod Minecraft, create with Roblox, engineer robots, model and print 3D characters, work with AI and machine learning, and more! Weeklong, day and overnight summer programs that instill in-demand skills and embolden students to shape the future.

Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, and more.

iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18 is a Top Sleepaway Summer Camp located in  Ohio offering many fun and educational Sleepaway and other activities, including: Technology, Academics, Video/Filmmaking/Photography and more. iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18 is a top Sleepaway Camp for ages: 6 - 18.

CAMP LOCATION: Camps are located at prestigious campuses nationwide. Visit Our Camp Website Link: to find a location near you.

CAMP FACILITIES: Camps are held on university and school campuses. Most overnight campers stay in dorms and get the "college experience".

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: iD Tech is the world leader in summer STEM education, with 400,000 alumni since 1999, and 150 prestigious campus locations including Stanford, Caltech, and NYU.

Students ages 7-19 learn to code, design video games and Fortnite-inspired levels, mod Minecraft, create with Roblox, engineer robots, model and print 3D characters, work with AI and machine learning, and more! Weeklong, day and overnight summer programs that instill in-demand skills and embolden students to shape the future.

Just 5-10 students per instructor (maximum 10) so students can e¬njoy personalized learning at their pace.

The top universities on the planet—Stanford, NYU, Caltech—have trusted and hosted our programs for over 15 years, inspiring students to dream BIG.

Want to learn from an energetic Stanford computer science major? A virtual reality guru from NYU? A game developer who wants to share her lifelong passion? We’ve bet our reputation on recruiting the top instructors in the country. Our 8:1 student-to-instructor guarantee ensures customized learning with the smallest class sizes, leading to “a-ha moments” and awesome outcomes. iD Tech summer courses are inclusive of every skill level and learning style.

Today, every career—from art to engineering to social work—requires a strong foundation in tech. With a focus on skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration, our courses pave the way for bright futures in any field. Whether your child dreams of working at Facebook or Google, launching their own startup, or founding a nonprofit, their long-term skill development pathway starts here.

iD Tech also offers early-education STEM programs, all-girls tech camps, teen-only academies, and an online learning platform.

Get started today at Our Camp Website Link: or call (888) 709-8324 and join iD Tech as they inspire the makers of tomorrow.

Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for the most up to date information on sessions, dates, and fees.

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iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 618

There are 30 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

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Ohio Sleepaway Camps

Please note that our list of 2025 Ohio Sleepaway Camps also includes information on Ohio Sleepaway Camp Scholarships, Financial Aid, and other 'Campership' or Financial Assistance. Look within each camp's description for the CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE heading.


Falcon Camp
Carrollton, OH

Visit Our Falcon Camp Website
216.991.2489 (winter) 330.627.4269 (summer)
4251 Delta Rd SW
Carrollton, OH 44615

Find the Best Sleepaway Camp in Carrollton, Ohio

Watch Our Falcon Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Widely recognized throughout the midwest as Ohio's premier summer camp since 1959, Falcon Camp offers a beautiful lakefront setting, a talented experienced staff and a wide variety of activities. Falcon provides an atmosphere that encourages young people to grow in spirit, skills, understanding, relationships, and attitudes. Fun for Now, Skills for Life is not just a catchy logo phrase but truly defines what Falcon is about.

Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Team Sports, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located within easy driving distance south of Cleveland, west of Pittsburgh and east of Columbus, on picturesque 8-mile Leesville Lake and surrounded by hundreds of acres of rolling hills and beautiful trees.

CAMP FACILITIES: Campers live in one of 16 cabins with indoor bathrooms and showers, eat in the dining hall, attend activities at the pavilion, stables, archery or riflery range, basketball, tennis, or volleyball court, softball field, waterfront with swim side and boat harbor, and more!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Widely recognized throughout the midwest as Ohio's premier summer camp since 1959, Falcon Camp offers a beautiful lakefront setting, a talented experienced staff and a wide variety of activities. Falcon provides an atmosphere that encourages young people to grow in spirit, skills, understanding, relationships, and attitudes. Fun for Now, Skills for Life is not just a catchy logo phrase but truly defines what Falcon is about. Camp is designed for boys and girls ages 6 - 16 in 2,4,6 or 8 week sessions. Each day campers choose their own schedule within a general framework.

Daily activities are separate for boys and girls with planned coed events. Riding, sailing, swimming, riflery, crafts, tennis, drama, archery, mountain biking and so many more activities are offered. Instruction from beginner to advanced is offered in each activity. We have a strong reputation for making sure a camper's first overnight experience is very positive. Our non-competitive environment is inviting to campers who may be hesitant to try something they have never done before, while our awards system challenges our most experienced campers. The 1:4 staff/camper ratio allows individual instruction and attention. Most of all it's great fun!

Falcon also has a special Young Adventure program for campers ages 6 -10. These one week intro sessions are designed for first time campers. ACA accredited, many NE Ohio references are available along with campers from all over the United States and the world. Being so close to several major cities allows families to visit beforehand, meet staff and feel "at home" prior to attending. Falcon is an outstanding opportunity for fun and learning. A summer at Falcon is a special experience where good things happen by design.

Visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:, call 800-837-CAMP or email Info[AT] for more information. Located on Leesville Lake in Carrollton Ohio.


CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Richard Decker Scholarship Fund. Please see our website for complete details.

Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for information.

Falcon Camp

We are looking for the best staff.  We are located in Carrollton, Ohio, 2 hrs south of Cleveland, 3 hrs east of Columbus and 1 1/2 west of Pittsburgh.  Application information can be found on our website at Our Camp Website Link: 

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Falcon Camp

There are 29 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

Sleepaway Camps in OH
Offer Day Camps, Too

Some Ohio Sleepaway Camps offer Day Camp Programs, too. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours of any day camping options.

If day camping is offered, some Ohio Camps will also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

More Info

Beulah Beach Camp
Vermilion, Ohio

Visit Our Beulah Beach Camp Website
Office: 440-967-4861
Fax: 440-967-4783

6101 W. Lake Rd
Vermilion, Ohio 44089

Watch Our Beulah Beach Camp Video

CAMPER AGES: Day Camp 5-12 Resident Camp 8-18

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Christian & Missionary Alliance
Christian Camp & Conference Association

Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Cheerleading, Soccer, Golf, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Team Sports, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

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Beulah Beach Camp

There are 28 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps at College of Wooster
Wooster, Ohio

Visit Our Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps at College of Wooster Website
1189 Beall Ave
Wooster, Ohio 44691

Watch Our Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps at College of Wooster Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Overnight & Commuter options available

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The College of Wooster camp is one of the Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps oldest and most popular camps. Founded in 1981 as the Wooster Tennis Camp, the Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camp at The College of Wooster was voted “The Top Sports Camp” in Ohio by Sports Illustrated magazine, one of just 3 tennis camps nationwide to win this honor.

The College of Wooster will offer 3 weeks of Traditional camps, focusing on stroke production, swing technique and personalized training. Camp highlights include video taping of each stroke, private lesson options each evening, and well rounded days of drill work, game play and fun.

In addition, Wooster will offer 2 weeks of Match Play camp with an emphasis on singles and doubles strategies, point building techniques and individual and team competition.

Tennis, Team Sports, and more. Tennis

OTHER CAMP INFO: CAMP TYPE: Overnight Camp with Commuter Option

TIMES: All day for Overnight / Commuters 8:30 am - 9:00 pm daily

FEES: Traditional Camp $645 Overnight / $575 Commuter

FEES: Match Play Camp $715 Overnight / $645 Commuter

AGES: Boys and Girls Ages 8-18 of all skill levels

SESSION I: June 14-18, 2015
SESSION II: June 21-25, 2015
SESSION III: June 28- July 2, 2015
MATCH PLAY I: July 5-9, 2015
MATCH PLAY II: July 12-16, 2015

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Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps at College of Wooster

There are 27 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Brave Arts Theatre Workshop

YMCA Camp Lakewood

Camp Pillsbury

No.1 Soccer Camps
Ohio Location(s)

Visit Our No.1 Soccer Camps Website
13294 Amblewood dr.
Manassas, Virginia 20112

Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, New Hampshire, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Colorado, California, Texas, Oregon, Alabama, Oregon


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: No. 1 Soccer Camps is celebrating its 41st season of training soccer players. Our go-to-goal curriculum is based inside the final 35 yards for both the goalkeeper and striker. It has been a No. 1 Soccer Camp staple since Dr. Joe Machnik founded the camp in 1977.

Soccer, and more.

No.1 Soccer Camps is a Top Sleepaway Summer Camp located in Manassas Ohio offering many fun and educational Sleepaway and other activities, including: Soccer and more. No.1 Soccer Camps is a top Sleepaway Camp for ages: 6-18.

CAMP LOCATION: No. 1 Soccer Camps offers five levels of camp; Youth Academy, Junior Academy, Senior Academy, College Prep and College Showcase at 28 sites across the country.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our facilities are always first class. Most of the No.1 Soccer Camps are held on renown college campuses or private schools throughout the United States.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: No. 1 Soccer Camps offers a camp for all levels of players.

1) Youth Academy - Designed for boys and girls ages 6-10. Fun, exciting and engaging activities are all part of the week. We do this with individual and small group activities with the introduction of fun technical exercises and games that are engaging and pertinent for the age group and ability level. With our unique curriculum youth players will be exposed to the proper technique such as shooting, dribbling, 1v1, crossing and much more.

2) Junior Academy - Designed for boys & girls, goalkeepers and field players ages 10-13. The program has been designed to build a foundation that will help the participant’s progress to the next level. This will be accomplished in a fun, entertaining and positive environment. Each session will be progressive in nature and will conclude with a relative small-sided game that will highlight the topic of the session. Competitive tournaments will be played throughout the week, and be the highlight of our evening sessions.

3) Senior Academy - Designed for High School players, including incoming freshmen, who are ready to play and be trained at the next level. . Throughout the week, players will be put in a competitive environment that will bring out their very best. Players will be exposed to the four dimensions of training, Physical, Technical, Tactical and Psychological. In our unique evening competitions, players will have the opportunity to compete against other teams, other players and themselves.

4) College Prep Academy - Our goal is to provide an incredible environment where serious soccer players will be exposed to the highest level of instruction in anticipation of playing at the highest level possible. High Performance Seminars will be led by trusted experts in their field and will include: Sports Nutrition, Soccer Specific Conditioning, ACT/SAT Preparation and Sport Psychology. Goalkeepers and field players will be exposed to an intensive training environment for those who are serious about fulfilling their potential.

5) College Showcase Camps - Now available for the serious soccer player at select No.1 Soccer Camp sites throughout the country. The directors of our College ID Showcase Camps are all currently active college coaches. In addition, the College Showcase ID Camps allow you to be seen by, and to work directly with college coaches and their assistants from programs all over the US. The philosophy of the College Showcase ID Camps is to provide you with a more intimate environment from which to experience what College coaches expect from their players.

Please refer to our website for a site and date that will work for you at: Our Camp Website Link:

The No.1 Soccer Camps hires well qualified staff coaches. Please visit our website to fill out an application and to learn more about our programs.

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No1 Soccer Camps

There are 26 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

Yellow Jacket Sports Camps at Cedarville University
Cedarville, Ohio

Visit Our Yellow Jacket Sports Camps at Cedarville University Website
Cedarville University
251 N. Main Street
Cedarville, Ohio 45314

CAMPER AGES: Grades 3-12

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Yellow Jacket Sports Camps offer individual and team camps in boys & girls basketball, boys & girls soccer and girls volleyball. Cedarville University coaches and athletes create an encouraging, fun camp environment where campers will be challenged to grow both athletically and spiritually. Please see the Yellow Jacket Sports Camp website for specific information about each camp.

Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Camps take place at athletic facilities on the Cedarville University campus in Cedarville, Ohio.

CAMP FACILITIES: Basketball and volleyball camps are held at the Callan Athletic Center and Doden Fieldhouse on seven air-conditioned courts. Soccer camps are held at the Yellow Jacket Soccer Complex which includes a lighted stadium and multiple practice fields (all 118 yards x 73 yards).

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Cedarville University competes in NCAA Division II and the Great Midwest Athletic Conference. Yellow Jacket Sports Camps are led by Cedarville University coaches and players.

For more information about Yellow Jacket Sports Camps please visit our website

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Yellow Jacket Sports Camps at Cedarville University

There are 25 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

More Info

The MasterWorks Festival
Cedarville, Ohio

Visit Our The MasterWorks Festival Website
(574) 267-5973
Cedarville University
Cedarville, Ohio 45314

111 S. High St.
Suite B
Warsaw, IN 46580


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Four Weeks Overnight

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: MasterWorks Festival brings together world class faculty and gifted students of the classical performing arts, presenting brilliant performances in an atmosphere of dynamic Christian faith.

Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located centrally to Dayton, Cincinnati and Columbus, OH.

We are:
*25 miles East of Dayton, OH
*55 miles West of Columbus, OH
*60 miles Northeast of Cincinnati, OH

CAMP FACILITIES: Students will be housed in one of the dorms on Grace College campus. Most rooms have two to four beds. There are four dorms located on campus. The William Male building houses the tech team offices as well as our costume shop, stage/prop workshop, and editing equipment. There are public tennis and basketball courts available to students as well as a public beach in the Winona Lake Park, only a short walk from campus. Kayaks and canoes are also available for rental through the Winona Lake Park. The Alpha Dining Hall comfortably seats our over 300 staff, faculty, and students. All meals will be served in Alpha.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: MasterWorks is an intensive four-week festival for advanced and passionate students of music, film acting, and theater. Each year 250 students from around the globe participate in this unique festival that combines artistic excellence and biblically sound teaching. Students and a faculty of 90 live and work on the beautiful campus of Cedarville University, which is located in the charming and historic community of Cedarville, Ohio.

At MasterWorks, a wide variety of Christian backgrounds unite to glorify God in their art and grow deeply in their faith. Spiritual highlights include topical Bible studies for performers, faculty devotionals, and Sunday worship services. Prayer is an integral part of rehearsals, classes, and performances.

Some of the world's finest performers have been a part of MasterWorks including Midori, Christopher Parkening, Rebecca Wright, Jeanette Clift George, John Dalley, Lawrence Dutton, John Kirby, Anne Martindale Williams, David Hardy, Doug Yeo, Hugh Sung, Steve Rooks, Jimmy Sites, Christine Smith, Steve Hendrickson, John Nelson, Phil Smith, Paula Robison, Stephen Clapp, the Ying String Quartet, and many others.

MasterWorks offers the following programs to advanced students ages 14-26: � Orchestral/chamber music studies Piano � Wind intensive studies (WISP) �String intensive studies (SISP)� Vocal intensive studies (VISP)� Theatre � Film Acting �Choral �Technical internships

The MasterWorks Festival culminates in more than 40 free public concerts including 2 weekly orchestral performances, a fully staged theater production, piano recitals, chamber music recitals, concerti with guest artists, as well as Faculty Recitals, the Student Honors Recital, the Concerto Competition, and numerous community performing opportunities.

Admission to MasterWorks requires an audition. Join us this summer as we pursue artistic excellence and spiritual growth!

The Festival runs from June 19-July 17, 2014.
Choral Program: $150 USD (3days)
All other programs: $3600* USD (4 weeks)

For a complete list of fees please visit Our Camp Website Link:

The Technical Internship Program is for dedicated and passionate individuals seeking development in the areas of technical and festival production, as well as integrating faith and the arts. Tech internships enable students to meet and work with leading professionals in the performing arts industry while gaining hands-on experience with technical production.

For Summer 2016 we have various positions available. Please contact us for details.

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The MasterWorks Festival

There are 24 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

Nike Cross Country Camp at Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio

Visit Our Nike Cross Country Camp at Bowling Green State University Website
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403

Watch Our Nike Cross Country Camp at Bowling Green State University Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Nike Cross Country Camp at Bowling Green State University offers the opportunity for high school distance runners to learn about the fundamentals of cross country training through a variety of workouts and interactive workshops lead by the BGSU coaches and current collegiate student-athletes.

Bowling Green State University is located 23 miles from Toledo, Ohio and 70 miles from Ann Arbor, Michigan. The region offers 16 metro parks with dirt, grass, and gravel trails and paved bike paths. Campers will be housed in university dormitories and meals will be provided in the campus dining halls. Runs will take place on campus and in the local metro parks.

Weightloss, and more. Runnng. Cross Country.

CAMP LOCATION: Bowling Green State University is located 23 miles from Toledo, Ohio and 70 miles from Ann Arbor, Michigan

CAMP FACILITIES: The region offers 16 metro parks with dirt, grass, and gravel trails and paved bike paths. Campers will be housed in university dormitories and meals will be provided in the campus dining halls. Runs will take place on campus and in the local metro parks.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: -10:1 Camper to Coach
-Instructors include experienced collegiate coaches and current collegiate student-athletes
-Instructional workshops addressing topics including technique, mental strategies, and training principles
-Inspiring guest speakers

In four years at the helm of Bowling Green cross country and track and field, Camp Director Lou Snelling has overseen the restoration of four programs and has built a foundation to revive the programs to a championship level of performance that honors the teams’ rich tradition and history.

Please refer to the camp webpage for more information:
Our Camp Website Link:

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Nike Cross Country Camp at Bowling Green State University

There are 23 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Pillsbury

YMCA Camp Lakewood

Brave Arts Theatre Workshop

Carrollton, Ohio

Visit Our Camp NEOSA Website
5037 Edgewood Rd. SW
Carrollton, Ohio 44615

Our main office is located at: 2507 E. 22nd St. Cleveland, OH 44115

Watch Our Camp NEOSA Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The purpose of Salvation Army Camping is to serve the needs of campers: physical, social and spiritual. For physical needs, our aim is to help campers develop good health habits in cleanliness, proper rest, balanced diet, exercise and care of the body. To meet social needs the camp provides an opportunity for each camper to contribute to and receive from a group living experience. The aim is to help campers make their own right decisions, stimulate creativity and foster independence. The fact that The Salvation Army is a religious organization makes it possible for its camping program to integrate concern for the spiritual dimensions of life. We believe in God, His Word, and what it teaches and a pattern of living exemplified by Jesus Christ.

Dance, Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 45 minuted south of Canton, Ohio on Leesville Lake in the Muskingam Watershed District

CAMP FACILITIES: 5 cabins with 4 units each plus two counselor rooms. Each unit sleeps 11 for a total of 44 in each cabin. A lodge with 12 rooms and 2 apartments. Fellowship hall with full lighting and sound systems. Dining hall with complete kitchen. Nurse's station with 6 patient rooms. 2 athletic fields, archery range, 2 basketball courts, nature and petting zoo, human foosball and gaga pit, ropes course, hiking trails, camping area, beach, volleyball court, and a whole lot more.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: American Camp Association accredited and Christian Camp Association accredited. Camp NEOSA primarily serves underprivileged and low-income children from Cleveland and the Northeast Ohio area from Zanesville to Toledo and nearby. Each of 8 weeks of camp is themed and includes and Christian based message that is the driving force behind all activities and program. Each week ends with a "Jesus Theater" which allows campers to experience the life, death and resurrection of Jesus as portrayed by various staff and counselors. This ends in fellowship hall where our message of Salvation is driven home by our Camp Director who is an ordained minister of the Salvation Army and campers are given an opportunity to pray and accept Christ.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our Grace Team program is for 15-17 year old teens who are actively involved in their corps ministry and show an interest in leadership and ministry.

Sessions start mid June and go through mid August. Contact your local Salvation Army for more information.

To apply for a summer job at Camp NEOSA, please visit Our Camp Website Link: and complete a new staff application.  If you have any questions, please contact Randall Evans at randall.evans[AT]

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There are 22 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

US Performing Arts Camps
Ohio Location(s)

Visit Our US Performing Arts Camps Website
Locations throughout the US
Amherst College
Amherst, Massachusetts

California, Ohio, Massachusetts, New York, and Washington DC

350 Ignacio Blvd. STE 101
Novato, CA 94949

Watch Our US Performing Arts Camps Video

CAMPER AGES: 11-22 (varies by location/program)

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Housing/supervision provided between consecutive programs.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: US Performing Arts Camps is considered the premier top tier summer program for training young people in the arts.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Academics, and more. Voice Acting, Directing, College Audition Preparation, High-definition (4K HD) Filmmaker's Workshop For Advanced Students, & Costume Design.

CAMP LOCATION: We have locations all across the United States please see our website for a list of our 2016 locations.

CAMP FACILITIES: Facilities vary depending on location.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The mission of US Performing Arts Camps is to promote and develop the growth of performing artists in America.

US Performing Arts Camps is considered the premier top tier summer program for training young people in the arts. Our programs are taught by the university or college departments and their professional faculty and guest professionals in their fields.

US Performing Arts offers programs in Animation, Computer Animation, Costume design, Directing, Film-making (including 4K High-definition), Dance, Hip Hop Dance, Musical Theater, Play-writing, Sit Com Writing, Sit Com Acting, Singing, Voice-over work for animation, movies and games, and we started the first College Audition Boot Camps for high school students.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: A limited number of partial scholarships are available through US Performing Arts. US Performing Arts will also work with parents on payment plans.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: College Audition Boot Camp for High School Seniors held in October-November.

Programs typically run June to August. Dates vary by program. Please see our website for specific program dates, or call our office at (888) 497-3553.

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US Performing Arts Camps

There are 21 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

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Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps at Kenyon College
Gambier, OH

Visit Our Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps at Kenyon College Website
Gambier, OH

Watch Our Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps at Kenyon College Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Overnight with Commuter option

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Join the Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camp at Kenyon College for an incredible week of tennis! Each camper will receive instruction on the fundamentals of all major strokes and will enhance their skills through repetition, ball-feeding drills, live-ball situations and competitive match play. In addition, campers will be exposed to team competition and match play in singles and doubles.

Tennis, and more.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Each camper will receive instruction on the fundamentals of all major strokes and will enhance their skills through repetition, ball-feeding drills, live-ball situations and competitive match play. In addition, campers will be exposed to team competition and match play in singles and doubles. These camps are excellent preparation for anyone interested in participating in middle school, high school or USTA team tennis, or preparing to compete in USTA leagues and/or tournaments. The Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camp at USD will be hosted at the Skip and Cindy Hogan tennis center and the camp will have access to the picturesque campus facilities.

Session I: July 19-23, 2015
Fees: $645 Overnight / $575 Commuter

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Wilson Collegiate Tennis Camps at Kenyon College

There are 20 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

Recreation Unlimited
Ashley, Ohio

Visit Our Recreation Unlimited Website
(740) 548-7006
7700 Piper Road
Ashley, Ohio 43003

Watch Our Recreation Unlimited Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Year-round

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Year-round camps for individuals with disabilities and health concerns on a 195 acre accessible campus.

Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Golf, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, and more. All Disability Types.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 45 minutes north of downtown Columbus, Ohio.

CAMP FACILITIES: 3 Residence Halls that sleep up to 62 people each, 20,000 square foot recreation center, Dining Hall, Lodge, Creative Center, Aquatic Center, entire campus is fully accessible.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Year-round camps for individuals with disabilities and health concerns on a 195 acre accessible campus. All our programs and program areas are adaptable to suit any campers' specific needs. For more information, please refer to our website at Our Camp Website Link: or call us at (740) 548-7006.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial Aid available based on need and awarded on first-come, first-served basis.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Year-round camp programs.

Year-Round Respite Weekend Camps run through out the school year. Summer Residential and Day camp begin in June and run into August. For all our camp dates and fees, please visit us online at Our Camp Website Link: or call us at (740) 548-7006.

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Recreation Unlimited

There are 19 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Pillsbury

YMCA Camp Lakewood

Brave Arts Theatre Workshop

Wingate Stables
Westerville, Ohio

Visit Our Recreation Unlimited Website
614 589-7434
5106 Miller Paul Road
Westerville, Ohio 43235


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. We offer both day camps and overnight programs.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Horses/Equestrian, and more.

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Wingate Stables

There are 18 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

Red Cross Leadership Development Camp
Cincinnati, Ohio

Visit Our Red Cross Leadership Development Camp Website
3800 Victory Pkwy
Cincinnati, Ohio 45207


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Red Cross recognizes that tomorrow’s leaders are today’s teenagers. That’s why it created its Leadership Development Camp—a camp for young people, organized and run by young people, all in an effort to empower them and teach them the subtle and not-so-subtle traits of becoming a leader.

And it makes a huge difference in their lives and the lives of those around them.

and more.

CAMP LOCATION: On the campus of Xavier University; campers will stay in on-campus residence halls

CAMP FACILITIES: On the campus of Xavier University; campers will stay in on-campus residence halls

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: It works like this: More than 100 teenagers from around the region spend four days and three nights on a college campus, eating in the cafeteria, playing on the green space, sleeping in the dorms, all away from their parents and annoying siblings. (Or is that siblings and annoying parents? Whatever.) They participate in workshops and sessions on various “teen-related” topics, like public speaking (OMG NO!), volunteerism (OK, that’s cool) and ethics (I don’t know, what would you do?). There are also games, guest speakers and activities, all of which are structured to help young people recognize their leadership potential and encourage them to act upon it.

All of the activities are organized and run by a team of teen counselors who have already experienced LDC as campers and want to give back to the next camper group—with the support from college counselors and adult advisors, of course.

Campers also find that—through shared experiences—they make new friends from many different walks of life, often forming bonds of friendship that extend beyond the four days of camp. LDC participants spend a minimum of 6–12 hours volunteering for the Red Cross in the year following their LDC experience.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: A camp for young people, organized and run by young people, all in an effort to empower them and teach them the subtle and not-so-subtle traits of becoming a leader.


Thursday, July 14 through Sunday, July 17, 2016
$225 includes lodging, meals, snacks, camp materials and the AWESOME LDC 2016 t-shirt.

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Red Cross Leadership Development Camp

There are 17 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

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Pro Skills Basketball - Columbus
Columbus, Ohio

Visit Our Pro Skills Basketball - Columbus Website
619 E. Jeffrey Place
Columbus, Ohio 43214

Watch Our Pro Skills Basketball - Columbus Video

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Pro Skills Basketball Columbus is a premier youth basketball organization in Columbus, OH. We offer a variety of youth basketball training, clinics, camps, and AAU teams for boys and girls of all ages. Our mission is to empower young athletes through a culture defined by the tenacious pursuit of self-improvement and the genuine desire to motivate players and improve kids’ lives. Our Camp Website Link:

Basketball, and more.

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Pro Skills BasketballColumbus

There are 16 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

Liberty Guides Wilderness Adventures
Ohio Location(s)

Visit Our Liberty Guides Wilderness Adventures Website
(231) 247-0003
Harbor Springs, Michigan 49740

Ohio, Wisconsin

Watch Our Liberty Guides Wilderness Adventures Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Liberty Guides is a one of a kind premium guide service and outfitter based within the pristine wilderness of Northern Michigan. Our truly awe inspiring adventures are guaranteed to create memories that last a lifetime! Our mission is to excite and educate our young Explorers and foster passions they will keep a lifetime, a love and respect for America’s wealth of natural resources and pioneer spirit.

Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Golf, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Basic Wilderness Survival Training
Backwoods Camping
Trail Hiking
Mountain Biking
Kayaking / Canoeing
Horseback Riding
Zip Line Canopy Tour
Dune Buggy & Off Road Excursions
Great Lakes Seaplane Tour
Lake Superior's Sunken Shipwreck Tour
Cliff Diving
Waterfall Tours
Nightly Campfires
Gourmet Prepared Meals
VIP Grand Hotel Overnight & Fort Mackinac Tour
VIP 2-Day VIP Cedar Point Amusements Park Trip

Daily Free Time Activities Include:

Drone Photography / Videography, Geo Caching, Archery, Fishing, Frisbee, Hacky Sack, Swimming, Go-Karting, Laser Tag, Paintball, Putt-Putt Golf, Horseshoes, Bowling, Campfire Jam Sessions & Standard High Jinks.

Liberty Guides Wilderness Adventures is a Top Sleepaway Summer Camp located in Harbor Springs Ohio offering many fun and educational Sleepaway and other activities, including: Horses/Equestrian, Sailing, Video/Filmmaking/Photography and more. Liberty Guides Wilderness Adventures is a top Sleepaway Camp for ages: 8-80.

CAMP LOCATION: Harbor Springs Michigan

CAMP FACILITIES: We are a free range adventure bases out of northern Michigan, however we travel throughout the region. We live out of our tents and backpacks (when we aren't staying at a nice resort).

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our guide teams are comprised of dedicated conservationist each with over 25 years back country guide experience, but most importantly we give special consideration to employ individuals whom we believe share in our mission and have the specialized skills to provide an adventure experience that is second to none!

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Custom designed family adventure packages.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Custom designed family adventure packages.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Hot Spots of Adventure:

Isle Royale National Park & Wildlife Biosphere
Porcupine Mountains
Pere Marquette River
North Country National Trail
Tahquamenon Waterfalls
Silver Lake Sand Dunes
Pictured Rocks National Shoreline
Mackinac Island
Cedar Point Amusement Park

In an effort to provide the highest level of safety and quality of experience we limit each session to 16 Explores ages 15+ years old and maintain a 1:3 Guide / Explorer Ratio.

Explores will really appreciate the opportunity to share their experiences with friends and family from our Wi-Fi enabled Safari Transport Vehicle while in route to our next big adventure!

July: 7th, 2019- August 3rd,2019
Early Registration: $15,495 (Ends May 15, 2019)
General Registration $16,995

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Liberty Guides Wilderness Adventures

There are 15 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Pillsbury

Brave Arts Theatre Workshop

YMCA Camp Lakewood

Red Oak Camp
Kirtland, Ohio

Visit Our Red Oak Camp Website
9057 Kirtland Chardon Rd
Kirtland, Ohio 44094


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Teen Travel Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located about 45 minutes East of Cleveland Ohio and are located adjacent to the world renowned Holden Arboretum.

Our physical address is:
9057 Kirtland Chardon Rd.
Kirtland Oh 44094

CAMP FACILITIES: Red Oak Camp offers many different outdoor activities. There is a pond for fishing and canoeing, a swimming pool, playing fields, recreation building, wood shop, a nature study center, and large pavilion. We have indoor and outdoor climbing walls, high ropes courses, and a zip line.

At the nearby Holden Arboretum, campers are introduced to the woods where they learn about our delicate ecology. Campers take numerous hikes, practice bird and leaf identification, collect rocks for their collections, and search the streams for frogs and crayfish.

Girls in our Chincapin Equestrian program also get to take advantage of our second property that includes a Barn, riding areas, and 13 horses. Riding lessons focuses on English style riding, safety, an appreciation of the sport, good riding form, and horse care.

Campers in our Red Oak Teen Travel Camp use our cabin area as their base camp before they take off on adventures that might include backpacking, whitewater rafting, rock climbing, canoeing, and more.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Red Oak Camp has a rich history as a premier camp for adventure trips and travel programming. We are excited to again offer these exciting opportunities for summer 2014. Throughout all of our trips, campers will have the time of their lives. They’ll participate in a range of activities, including whitewater rafting, climbing, backpacking, caving, canoeing, mountain biking, and more. They will build skills and confidence to help them through high school and college and contribute to their future success!

The Red Oak program is exemplary at serving our mission, of building our campers’ inner strengths though outdoor adventure. Campers will spend two full weeks with us. The first week will be spent at Red Oak “base camp” in Kirtland. Here they’ll develop the outdoor skills, leadership, self-confidence, and perseverance that will help them be successful during the second week of the program. In week two, campers will put those skills to use on adventures in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, or Kentucky–adventures they will remember always. Adventures that will foster life-long friendships.

Red Oak maintains a unique outdoor educational philosophy in which campers get to design their own experience. The camper day is divided between Campers Choice and Open Activities, with some special programs thrown in throughout the week.

Campers Choice is where are staff are able to provide progressive experiential education. Campers sign up for the areas that most excite them and participate in them throughout the week. Camper’s Choice activities include high adventure, canoeing/kayaking, fishing, wood shop, sports, outdoor survival and fire building, target sports, and more.

Open Activities is when our staff gets to be a bit more creative and offer programs that allow campers to try a little bit of everything (and hopefully some things that they haven’t yet tried). Open Activities may include activities such as tomahawk throwing, paintball slingshots, arts and crafts, crate stacking, double ball, creek stomping, orienteering and much more.

Additionally, each week of the summer will have a theme. Both Camper’s Choice and Open Activities often get tailored to match the theme of the week and special programs will occur, culminating in a large “all camp” activity on Friday. Campers are encouraged to dress the part and bring supplies to fit each theme.

For young men and women ages 13-16.

This program focuses on training young men and women in leadership, safety, and service. The goal is to create responsible young counselors who may be able to work at our camp, or gain the experience necessary to work at other camps with Red Oak’s recommendation.

This program is perfect for former Red Barn or Chincapin campers, who want to continue a camp experience and prepare for a leadership role. The skills gained through JCLP will help carry Junior Counselors through high school, college, and beyond.

JCLP is a mixture of fun and learning. Participants have a chance to be campers, and work to master Red Oak’s many activities, such as archery, canoeing, climbing and high adventure, fishing, outdoor cooking, nature/science, and riflery. JCLP participants will also get the chance to work with our staff to learn risk management, age and social characteristics, First Aid, songs and games, and much more.

JCLP participants must sign up for a minimum of 2 consecutive weeks, but are welcome to sign up for up to 7 weeks.

For young men and women ages 15-17*.

This program is for the camper who is serious about becoming a camp counselor. CITs will be invited to attend parts of pre-camp training, with all of the camp staff, and then select 2 weeks to return to camp to complete their internship. One week of the internship will be as a general counselor, followed by one week in the area of their choosing. After successful completion, participants may be asked to return to help for additional weeks of camp.

CIT Participants are required to register as well as fill out the Staff Application and acquire 3 References.

*Graduates of the JCLP/CIT programs are the only 17-year-old and younger applicants who will be considered for employment. All other applicants must be 18 years old or older.


Register by February 1st and receive a 10% discount on the cost of tuition.

When registering multiple children from the same family, families receive a 10% discount for each additional child after the first registered camper. This discount will be applied to the camp with the lowest cost and it will be 10% of the actual amount due after any other discount has been applied.

For all Red Barn and Chincapin programs there is a 2 week minimum. Sign up for 4 or more weeks and receive a 10% discount on the cost of tuition.

Help us spread the word!
If your camper brings a friend to camp who is a brand new camper, your camper and the friend will both receive a 10% discount on every week that they both attend.
Host a camp information party at your home. Invite your friends and neighbors. Red Oak Camp will provide snacks straight from our kitchen and send staff to your home to talk about the benefits of Camp and the great programs that we have to offer.

We encourage your experienced camper to put together a scrap book or photo album of camp memories to talk about as well. Families that host these information sessions will receive a $50 camp voucher if a minimum of 3 new families attend, and will receive the above “Share the Fun” discount if any of the families that attend end up registering their campers.

If you are interested in hosting a camp information party, please contact Adam Cassi at director[AT]

Red Oak Camp believes in the power of volunteers. They are an integral part of a successful summer. We are always looking for volunteers with a wide range of talents and expertise. There are several opportunities in which your help is needed. Volunteers must be 18 years or older and complete the following requirements:

• Submit a volunteer application (contact the camp’s Executive Director for an application packet).
• Interview with the Executive Director.
• Review all written materials before camp.
• Complete a Background Check
• Incentive Program for Camp Volunteers:
• 1–5 hours: free camp t-shirt
• 5+ hours: 1% off camp fee for every hour volunteered
• Full Week: $200 off of a registration per week volunteered (up to $600 for the summer)
• Possible areas of volunteering may include:
• Marketing and Graphic Design
• Website Management
• Program Design and Facilitation
• Site Maintenance and Improvements
• Clerical Support

For more information or to request a volunteer application, contact the Camp’s Executive Director at 440-256-0716 or director[AT]

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Red Oak Camp is a year-round facility, offering programming and overnight accommodations to area schools, Scout groups, religious groups, sports teams, colleges, adult/corporate organizations, and other groups looking to bond, build team skills, develop leaders, and become stewards of the environment.

The Red Oak staff has the expertise and experience to provide you with a customized program, based on your group’s goals and outcomes. Our programs typically range from 2-hour sessions to extended overnight stays. Red Oak can provide day and night accommodations, excellent meals/menu options, and programming focused on skill development in areas such as:
• Leadership
• Team-building
• Character Development
• Communication
• Problem Resolution
• Resource Utilization
• Confidence
• Trust
• Environmental Education

If you do not see the programs/objectives that interest your group, please contact us and we will be happy to develop a customized program for you.

Can’t Come to Us? If you cannot get your group here to Red Oak Camp, many of the Team-building and Leadership programs that we offer can be done at your location. Contact us for more details.

To get more information or to book your program contact the camp office at 440-256-0716 or director[AT]

New for 2014: The Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets identify the skills, experiences, relationships, and behaviors that enable young people to develop into successful and contributing adults. In this one day workshop, learn about the 40 Assets and how to develop them in your students, yourself, and your school community.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Our Goals & Objectives

Our mission is to develop our participants’ inner strengths through outdoor adventure. Our overall camp goals are to:

• Educate our campers on the importance of the outdoor experience.
• Build balanced programs of work and play, developing our participants’ sense of responsibility, initiative, sportsmanship, and self-confidence
• Understand and appreciate our role in the environment.
• Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects our self, others, and the environment.

By participating in activities at our camps, our campers:

• Become more self-sufficient.
• Strive toward leadership roles.
• Have a sense of accomplishment, as they master various camp activities and move to different levels of achievement.
• Learn to have positive interactions with each other.
• Respect the beliefs and cultural differences of their fellow campers.
• Learn “leave no trace behind” camping techniques, and become stewards of the environment.

Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:

Be a role model… Work hard… Make a difference… Have fun…

You are on the path to having one of the greatest summers of your life!

Spend 8 -14 weeks of your summer working at camp! This is bound to be the best job you’ve ever had and the hardest work you’ll ever love! Campers come to our camps from all walks of life and find themselves in a caring, nurturing environment where they get to make friends and try new things, while creating lasting memories. Wouldn’t you love to be part of the difference made in a child’s life?

Here are a few benefits of working at summer camp:

Training – you’ll learn the tools you need to be successful in our pre-camp training.

Salary range is between $1,800 – $5,000

Friends – imagine making life long friendships in just 2 ½ months.

Experience – how good will this look on your resume?

Working at a camp is a rewarding experience that will give you skills and memories to last a lifetime.

For more information check out Our Camp Website Link: or contact us at director[AT]

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Red Oak Camp

There are 14 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

Hardball HQ
Wilmington, Ohio

Visit Our Hardball HQ Website
1870 Quaker Way
Wilmington, Ohio 45177

CAMPER AGES: 14 to 22

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Boy Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Hardball HQ instructional baseball program is development based summer ball for athletes focused on playing at the next level. Located on a college campus, HBHQ has 2 sessions designed for high school and college aged players. Professional coaches with college, professional, and international experience will lead development at this unique training opportunity.

Baseball, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: HBHQ is holding camp on campus at beautiful Wilmington College in southwest Ohio near Cincinnati, Dayton, and Columbus in Wilmington, Ohio.

CAMP FACILITIES: Players will live on campus in air conditioned dorms. They will enjoy a meal plan at the cafeteria and have access to on campus recreation. We will be utilizing the top notch Wilmington College athletic facilities.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Player development is often lost in the pursuit of maximizing game time. Our program offers players amble games while focusing on practice, training, and development. Living on campus provides our players with the depth of training that can prepare them for the next level.

Session 1: College aged and rising college players June 16 to June 30.

Session 2: High School aged and rising HS players July 3 to July 17.

Fees include housing, food plan, games, and training.

Register for more information: Free

Camp: $2000

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Hardball HQ

There are 13 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

YMCA Camp Y-Noah
Clinton, Ohio

Visit Our YMCA Camp Y-Noah Website
1 877 468 2267
330 896 1964

815 Mt Pleasant Road
Clinton, Ohio 44216

Watch Our YMCA Camp Y-Noah Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. All year round activites!

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Jewish. Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Activities include Swimming, Canoeing, Climbing, Horseback Riding, Arts and Crafts, Hiking, Sports, Science Camp, Cheernastics Camp, SCUBA, Robotics and Paintball.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Akron Rotary Camp for children with special needs. Visit for Akron Rotary Camp camping, respite, sibling camp opportunties.

Fine Arts/Crafts, Cheerleading, Gymnastics, Horses/Equestrian, Waterfront/Aquatics, Science, Technology, Academics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Located in Green, Ohio, YMCA Camp Y-Noah sits on 240 acres. Great hiking and exploring as well as a lake with waterfront features.

Akron Rotary Camp for children with special needs is located in Franklin Township.

CAMP FACILITIES: Visit Our Camp Website Link: and take a virtual tour!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: YMCA Camp Y-Noah offers accredited summer day camps, overnight camps, year-round camping and outdoor education. Being outdoors helps campers connect with nature, learn new skills, and develop healthy habits. Our weekly schedule lets your camper try many traditional camp activities with their group, as well as some amazing activities unique to just YMCA Camp Y-Noah.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Leaders In Training (LIT) (15-16 years) LIT is a challenging and exciting program for teens geared toward building leadership skills in a supervised and structured environment. Teens learn skills that support their leadership growth in clubs, teams and social groups. The LIT program is a great steppingstone to the Counselor in Training (CIT) program

Counselor In Training (CIT) (16-17 years) CIT is a highly demanding and rewarding program available to young leaders who have an interest in becoming counselors at YMCA Camp Y-Noah. The CIT program is available through application only and we recommend that all candidates complete the LIT program before applying.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial aide is available to those who may qualify through scholarships from the YMCA Annual Campaign.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Family Fun Days! YMCA Camp Y-Noah will host several FREE Family Fun Days each year. This is a great way for the entire family to see and enjoy our facility, meet our staff, sample our programs, surround yourself with Nature’s beauty and discover all that YMCA Camp Y-Noah has to offer! Activities include tours (driving and walking), canoeing, archery, pony rides, climbing, arts and crafts, inflatables and much more.

OTHER CAMP INFO: YMCA Equestrian Center at Camp Y-Noah is a year-round riding facility for children and adults situated on 240 acres in Green, Ohio. Our facility has a long tradition of excellence that traces its roots back to 1930. Regardless of your riding experience, our skilled instructores will challenge you and help you develop new skills and appreciation. Come out and visit the ranch and meet our equestrian staff who are as good with people as they are with horses! Visit

Visit for current summer camp brochure.

Visit Our Camp Website Link: for all career and employment opportunities.

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YMCA Camp YNoah

There are 12 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

US Sports/Nike Camps
Ohio Location(s)

Visit Our US Sports/Nike Camps Website
800-645-3226 (Nike Camps)
800-433-6060 (All other camps)
800-406-3926 (NBC Camps)
877-308-7325 (Peak Performance Swim Camps)
888-780-2267 (Vogelsinger Soccer Academy)

Over 700 Camp Locations Across the US & Canada


US Sports Camps, Inc.
1010 B Street, Suite 450
San Rafael, CA 94901

Watch Our US Sports/Nike Camps Video

CAMPER AGES: Most junior camps accept participants between the ages of 10-18, however some of our day camps will accept those as young as 5. Adult programs offered, too. See our camp specific web pages to find out exact ages for each program.

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Weekend programs available in some areas. International campers welcome.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Now celebrating over 40 years of camp! We offer camps across a variety of sports which run for one, two or three consecutive sessions across the US and Canada. USSC partners with the country's best coaches to direct our camps at top-rated, professionally-equipped training facilities. International programs offered, too.

Basketball, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Golf, Gymnastics, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Team Sports, and more. Other Camps: Crew, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, MultiSport, Rugby, Running, Ultimate, Waterpolo, Gymnastics, Hockey, & Yoga.

CAMP LOCATION: Over 700 Locations throughout the US and Canada. International locations, too. Please visit our website for a complete list of camps offered near you, at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: Our camps are offered at top-rated, professionally equipped sports training facilities.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Sports are FUN, but they are more fun when you get better! Our professional, passionate, and positive coaches will help your child become a better player and a more inspired athlete. Camp provides the perfect opportunity to improve skills, make new friends, laugh hard, and smile a lot. Our Mission is to shape a lifelong enjoyment of athletics through high quality sports education and skill enhancement while consistently exceeding the expectations of our customers!

During the summer of 2014 more than 70,000 US and international campers attended a US Sports Camps program. US Sports Camps currently offers 24 programs in 15 different sports.

Our summer sports camps include: Baseball, Basketball, Crew, Field Hockey, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Lacrosse, Multi-Sport, Rugby, Running, Soccer, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Ultimate, Volleyball, Waterpolo, and Yoga. We also offer several International sports camps around the world. Our sports camps continue to grow thanks to an outstanding community of Camp Directors and the dedication of the entire USSC staff. We expect 2015, our 41st year in business, to be our best year ever. We look forward to seeing you at camp!

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Many of our sports camps offer sessions and special weekend clinics year-round. Please contact us for details.

For complete information regarding summer camp sessions and fees, please visit our website at: Our Camp Website Link:

Each camp director is responsible for hiring their own staff and typically hire in late winter and early spring. If you are interested in applying for a position, please email the appropriate sport mailbox at Our Camp Website Link: and we will forward on your information to any director looking for additional staff.

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US SportsNike Camps

There are 11 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

YMCA Camp Lakewood

Brave Arts Theatre Workshop

Camp Pillsbury

National Computer Camp
Ohio Location(s)

Visit Our National Computer Camp Website
Fairfield University & Other Locations
N. Benson Road
Fairfield, Connecticut 06824

Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, GA
Baldwin Wallace University, Cleveland, OH
Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT

102 Shorefront, Milford, CT 06460

Watch Our National Computer Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: National Computer Camp is America's original computer camp since 1977. Our focus is Android App programming, 2D and 3D video game design, computer programming, digital video production, webpage design, A+ and Network+ certification and software applications including networking, animation, Flash and graphics. We offer all levels of programming in Basic, C++, Java, Assembler, HTML, XML, OpenGL and JavaScript. Also available is a special Monday to Friday morning only camp for 6 to 8 year olds. This half day camp focuses on Flash programming. Additional activities offered: Digital Video Editing, Software Applications, Networking, Arduino Electronics, 3-D Graphics, Animation, Flash, Robotics, Chess, Academics, Science, & Optional Sports Program.

Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Computers, Technology, Academics, and more.

National Computer Camp is a Top Sleepaway Summer Camp located in Fairfield Ohio offering many fun and educational Sleepaway and other activities, including: Academics, Computers, Video/Filmmaking/Photography and more. National Computer Camp is a top Sleepaway Camp for ages: 6-18.

CAMP LOCATION: NCC has 3 locations:
1. Fairfield University is located in the suburbs of Bridgeport, CT, 60 miles from NYC
2. Oglethorpe University is located in Atlanta NE in the Brookhaven area.
3. Baldwin Wallace University is located in Cleveland.

CAMP FACILITIES: NCC camp locations use modern facilities at prestigious universities.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: What distinguishes NCC from other computer camps is that NCC aims to teach youngsters ages 6-18 life long computer skills by providing a solid foundation in programming focusing on languages, 2D and 3D game design, applications and digital video editing. NCC is not a summer school, but rather a place where learning and fun are rolled into one and where the campers' self esteem is of foremost importance.

The camp is for youngsters of all levels of experience from beginner to advanced. In addition to computers, campers enjoy an optional sports program. NCC also offers a 1/2 day camp for youngsters ages 6-8. Visit our website and be inspired by the possibilities! National Computer Camp is America's original computer camp now in our 38th summer. Please visit Our Camp Website Link: to read what parents say about NCC.

Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for schedules and costs.

There are a limited number of counselor positions available each year. Call 203-710-5771 or email jobs[AT] to inquire.

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National Computer Camp

There are 10 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

Marmon Valley Ministries
Zanesfield, OH

Visit Our Marmon Valley Ministries Website
7754 State Route 292 S
Zanesfield, OH 43360


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Marmon Valley Ministries exists to provide camps that grow campers toward a love for God, a life of obedience to His Word and a passion for His glory. Horsemanship experiences make up a large portion of the camp structure. Age and level appropriate classes ensure that every child is in a class that will help them learn at their skill level. Campers also enjoy our climbing wall, archery range, lake, challenge course, and much more!

Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Adventure, and more. Ohio's Largest Horse Camp With 150 Horses & Ponies.

Marmon Valley Ministries is a Top Sleepaway Summer Camp located in Zanesfield Ohio offering many fun and educational Sleepaway and other activities, including: Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Adventure and more. Marmon Valley Ministries is a top Sleepaway Camp for ages: 7 - 17.

CAMP LOCATION: Marmon Valley is 45 minutes Northwest of Columbus, OH, just off US Route 33 at the Valley Hi/East Liberty exit, near the tiny town of Zanesfield. We are 10 East of Bellefontaine, OH. Get driving directions at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: Marmon Valley Farm offers a unique rustic setting comprised of several early 20th century era barns that have been converted into bunk rooms and an 1825 historic farmhouse. The farm includes animal barns with petting animals and 150 horses.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Ohio's largest horse camp, Marmon Valley Ministries is a trusted, ACA accredited, Christian camp near Bellefontaine, Ohio. Besides our in-depth horsemanship classes, campers enjoy climbing wall, archery, swimming and more! Learn horsemanship, make friends, and get to know Jesus Christ! MVM has been serving up farm fun for kids since 1964.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial aid is available. Call for more info or an application.

Week-long and half-week sessions begin on June 11. Week-long sessions start at $655 per week. Register online at Our Camp Website Link:

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Marmon Valley Ministries

There are 9 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

Camp Ho Mita Koda
Newbury, OH

Visit Our Camp Ho Mita Koda Website
14040 Auburn Road
Newbury, OH 44065

(216) 591-0833


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): American Camping Association, American Canoe Association, Diabetes Education Camping Association, Association of Camp Nurses, United Way of Great

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Lifestyle enhancing programs empower children and teens ages 4-17 to manage their diabetes, make healthy choices, take personal responsibility, and build self-esteem, friendships and a life-long support network. Here, campers have fun, make new friends and learn to control their diabetes. An on-site, trained medical team oversees the diabetes management of each camper with registered dietitians who plans meals, snacks, and nutrition activities.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Diabetes Type 1 & Type 2 special needs campers.

Dance, Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Team Sports, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Diabetes Education, Gardening, & Nutrition.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 25 miles East of Cleveland, OH on 72 beautiful acres of open wilderness. Please visit our website for camp photos, videos and registration.

CAMP FACILITIES: Eight large cabins, outdoor pool, boathouse/lake, indoor recreation pavilion/dining hall, tree house, outdoor sports field, high & low ropes course, archery range, paintball range, tennis/basketball courts, nature/hiking trails.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Since 1929, Camp Ho Mita Koda is the nation’s first and oldest camp for children living with diabetes. Surrounded by 72 wooded acres in Newbury, Ohio, Camp Ho Mita Koda offers diabetes management in an active and supportive environment specifically designed for children to have fun, make new friends and learn about diabetes. With over 85 years of camping experience, on-site trained medical team oversees the diabetes management of each camper along with a registered dietitian plans meals and snacks. Camp Ho Mita Koda is proud to be accredited by the American Camp Association, complying with 300 national health, safety and program quality standards. To learn more about Camp Ho Mita Koda please visit Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: CIT is a special program for former campers (age 16 and 17 yeas) that may want to be a counselor at Camp Ho Mita Koda in the future. If you are applying to become a CIT at Camp, it is important to understand that you are applying for a position of increasing responsibility and requiring a commitment to Camp. While camp offers an excellent social component, this cannot be the focus of an individual participating in the CIT program. Campers are the focus of this experience

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: To help ensure that all children have the chance to attend residence camp, camperships (financial assistance) are available to qualifying families. We are grateful to our donors for ensuring that each eligible camper has the opportunity to experience the joy of summer camp and the feeling of belonging that comes with a session a Camp Ho Mita Koda.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camp May 20th- 12:00pm-4:00pm (Ages 4-10) $50/per parent and $25 per sibling.

Family Adventure Overnight camp (don't have to have diabetes)
June 17th-June 19th and June 21st through 23rd-
$200 per parent, $100 per chil

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Oct: Halloween Carnival
Nov: Movie Night at Camp
Dec: Santa Workshop
Jan: Camper Reunion
April: Spring Egg Hunt


Session I- Type 1 and 2 only: June 25th- June 30th
(Ages 8-11) $500

Session IA Day Camp- July 5th- July 6th, July 7th
(Ages 5-11) $150 for all 3 days or $100 per day.

Session II- Type 1 and 2 Only- July 9th- 14th (Ages 12-15) $500.00

Session III- Type 1 and 2 Only- July 16th- July 28th ( Age 12-15) $1000

Teen Program Sept. 23-24 (Ages 14-17) $85

For summer camp job openings at Camp Ho Mita Koda, apply online at Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Ho Mita Koda

There are 8 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

YMCA Camp Kern
Oregonia, Ohio

Visit Our YMCA Camp Kern Website
5291 State Rt. 350
Oregonia, Ohio 45054


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Fully themed Literary Camps, Special Needs Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summer Camp at YMCA Camp Kern is the most adventurous fun kids can have during a week in the summer! With a focus on friendships, campers spend the week participating in activities they choose, with amazing counselors from all over the world. Each program is designed with specific age groups in mind, and counselors are trained to not only build campers up, but to encourage and empower them to become more.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Trailblazers (must apply through Warren County DD)

Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Computers, Science, Technology, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 40miles North of Cincinnati and 35miles South of Dayton.

CAMP FACILITIES: 20 Traditional Camp Cabins with separate bathhouses, Tree house village, 4 Yurts, Survivor Village, and Wagons. We also have an outdoor swimming pool, 3 outdoor basketball courts, a sand volleyball court, an athletic field, a lake for canoeing and kayaking, 3 separate climbing structures and a number of high ropes courses and elements.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: YMCA Camp Kern was established in 1910 by Carl. B Kern. Originally there was a small site down by the Little Miami River, but has since grown into a 485 acre facility that offers year round programming in Summer Camping, Equestrian programs, Outdoor Education, Ozone zipline adventures and Leadership & Conferencing groups.

Camp Kern hires the best young college aged staff, all of whom go through intensive training and background checks before they become a counselor.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Counselor in training program (CIT)
Leaders in training program (LIT)
Boys Leadership (Age 11-13)
Girls Leadership (Age 11-13)

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial assistance available on a first-come-first-serve basis.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Labor Day Family Camp
Memorial Family Day Camp
Parent/Child Weekend
Mother/Daughter Weekend

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Kids Night Out (Monthly Friday Night-Saturday Morning program, designed to give kids an experience of camp and mum and dad the night out/off)

Halloween Camp, Winter Camp, Spring Camp (Seasonal full weekend programs offering traditional camp activities)

Camp Kern offers a wide range of programs, which have various pricing ranges. Please visit our website for more info.


Main Camp Dates and Themes

S1: June 18-24 - Star Wars
S2: June 25-July 1 - Color Wars
S3: July 2-8 - Ultimate Kern Week
S4: July 9-15 - Medieval
S5: July 16-22 - Pokemon
S6: July 23-29 - Star Wars
S7: July 30-August 5 - Minecraft
S8: August 6-12 - Harry Potter

Literary Camp Themes

S1: Star Wars
S2: Percy Jackson
S3: Harry Potter
S4: Medieval
S5: Pokemon
S6: Star Wars
S7: Minecraft
S8: Harry Potter

Teen Program Sessions

Leaders-in-Training: Sessions 1,3,5,7
Kern Challenge: Sessions 2,4,6,8
Ultimate Survivor: Sessions 1 & 5
Teen Survivor: Sessions 3 & 7
Girls Week Out: Session 7
Girls Leadership Adventure: Session 2
Boys Leadership Adventure: Session 6

Job opportunities at YMCA Camp Kern are available at Our Camp Website Link:

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YMCA Camp Kern

There are 7 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Brave Arts Theatre Workshop

YMCA Camp Lakewood

Camp Pillsbury

The Odyssey Program at Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio

Visit Our The Odyssey Program at Cleveland State University Website
1375 Euclid Ave, 6th floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44115

1375 Euclid Ave, 6th floor
Cleveland, OH 44115

Watch Our The Odyssey Program at Cleveland State University Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Odyssey Program at Cleveland State University’s School of Film & Media Arts, created through the generosity of Lee and Ageleke Zapis, offers a range of programs for high school students (aged 13-18) interested in filmmaking.

Video/Filmmaking/Photography, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located at the School of Film & Media Arts at Cleveland State University, which occupies the 6th floor of the Idea Center building at Playhouse Square in downtown Cleveland.

CAMP FACILITIES: Housed on the top floor of ideastream’s Idea Center at Playhouse Square, the school’s 36,000-square-foot facility has 24-foot studio ceilings, two 2,000+ square-foot sound stages, extensive natural light, and sweeping views of downtown Cleveland and Lake Erie. The studio was designed by VAA Architects and Bastien and Associates – Bastien’s prominent design and building projects include Manhattan Beach Studios and the Marion Knott Studios at Chapman University – and features state-of-the-art teaching laboratories, digital editing bays, and a vast inventory of professional production equipment.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: During the in-person summer camps, students see behind the scenes and learn how the film industry actually works through special guest lectures and site visits to real-world media environments. Outside of class, residential students get a preview of college life by staying in Cleveland State University dorms and experiencing Cleveland’s robust cultural offerings through scheduled trips and activities.

With access to the film school’s professional soundstages, Mac editing labs, and vast inventory of film production equipment, expert instructors aided by CSU film student camp counselors help students hone their skills while finding their creative community and making friends during these activity-packed experiences.

Lessons are taught by School of Film & Media Arts faculty and staff with assistance by current CSU film school students in the role of camp counselors and production assistants. There is one instructor and one film student counselor for every ten campers, plus additional production assistants.

All meals are provided for residential students and breakfast and lunch is provided for day camp students.

Residential students stay in dorm accommodations located in CSU’s historic Fenn Tower

Along with spectacular views of downtown Cleveland, Fenn Tower accommodations include:

24-hour community desk
Game Room with billiards
On-site laundry facilities
Theater room
Fitness center
Study areas
On-site dining location
Computer lab and conference rooms
On-site community assistant staff
Cable television and high speed internet
Fully furnished units: extra long twin bed, dresser, closet, desk, and chair

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: The Odyssey Program also offers online after school programs during the year.

Odyssey Online After School: Film Fundamentals
March 9-April 27, 2021
Weekly Online Sessions -- Tuesdays, 4:00-7:00pm
Fee: $600
This eight-week interactive online course teaches fundamental skills in: Film Analysis, Story Development, Screenwriting, Production, and Postproduction.

Visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information and to register.

OTHER CAMP INFO: In the summer, students can choose from a variety of in-person camp options, beginning with an experiential three-week camp from June 14-July 2, followed by three one-week intensive camps that focus on acting and directing (July 12-18), documentary production (July 19-25), and postproduction (July 26-August 1).

Through interactive workshops, film screenings, focused activities, and visits from special guest speakers, Odyssey participants learn storytelling, screenwriting, acting, directing, cinematography, editing and much more as they create their own original films in a fun and collaborative environment.

Four sessions are available during Summer 2021: one three-week session and three one-week sessions. Complete information can be found on our website: Our Camp Website Link:

Odyssey Program Experiential Three Week Summer Camp
June 14-July 2, 2021
Residential: $4500
Day Camp: $3600
Live, eat, sleep, dream, and create films with the students and faculty of the School of Film & Media Arts at this immersive three-week summer film camp that teaches storytelling, film literacy, screenwriting, acting for the camera, directing, shot composition, cinematography, lighting, editing and much more in a fun and collaborative environment.

Odyssey Intensive: Acting and Directing
Residential: July 12-July 18, 2021 -- $1500
Day Camp: July 12-July 16, 2021 -- $1200
Nail your next audition and learn to work with actors as a director at this new one-week intensive day and residential summer camp focused on the crafts of acting and directing.

Odyssey Intensive: Documentary Production
Residential: July 19-July 25, 2021 -- $1500
Day Camp: July 19-July 23, 2021 -- $1200
Learn to tell stories from the world around you at this new one-week intensive day and residential summer camp that teaches the art of documentary production.

Odyssey Intensive: Postproduction
Residential: July 26-August 1, 2021 -- $1500
Day Camp: July 26-July 30, 2021 -- $1200
Learn how to mix creativity with technology and fix it in post with this new one-week intensive day and residential summer camp that teaches skills in postproduction.

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The Odyssey Program at Cleveland State University

There are 6 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

Camp Mohaven
Danville, Ohio

Visit Our Camp Mohaven Website
740-397-4665 x122
18744 Turkey Ridge Rd
Danville, Ohio 43014

PO Box 1230
Mount Vernon OH 43050

Watch Our Camp Mohaven Video

CAMPER AGES: 6-17 years

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Ohio Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Here at Camp Mohaven, our mission is to introduce kids to Jesus through nature, relationships, and memories that last a lifetime! We offer "REG" camps that cover all our fun activities, such as canoes/kayaks, horseback riding, rock climbing, high ropes, outdoor adventures, sports, pool, gymnastics, and crafts alongside our fun and Christ-centered programming! We also offer "RAD" camps that focus on favorite activities such as Ski Camp, Horse Camp, Music Camp, Soccer Camp & Lifeguard Camp. Come learn about Jesus and make lifelong friends!

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: If your child has any special health needs, please get in contact with our camp nurse and let us know on your registration form.

Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Soccer, Gymnastics, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Our "RAD" Camps Focus On Favorite Activities Such As Ski Camp, Horse Camp, Music Camp, Soccer Camp & Lifeguard Camp. Spend All Week Learning More About Your Favorite Activity & Have The Opportunity For Fun Field Trips!

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in the heart of Amish Country, just outside of Mount Vernon, OH and 50 miles northeast of Columbus. We have 700 acres of beautiful property, including riverfront property on the Mohican River! Visit our website to see camp photos and videos.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have 10 duplex cabins for Girl's Village and 10 duplex cabins for Boy's Village, with bathhouses for each village. We also have a large dining hall, welcome center, nature center, three separate staff housing facilities, outdoor basketball court, soccer field, horse barn with riding ring, and our outdoor amphitheater.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Mohaven is focused on two things- faith and fun! Some of our traditions include Barn Party, nightly skits performed by our staff, flag raising/lowering, BIG Games, Pool Olympics, Cabin of the Week Awards, Wacky Wednesday, Mohaven Mud Run, Tribal Games, and more! All of our staff complete a background check, child safety training, Red Cross First Aid & CPR/AED. We also offer specialty training and certification for staff in activities such as lifeguarding, horses, and high ropes.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Students who are 16 years old by June 1st may be eligible to work as a CIT. CITs go through the same staff training as our regular staff, and then receive special assistance and training throughout the summer. All CITs are paired with an experienced counselor to learn from on-the-job!

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Many Seventh-Day Adventist churches throughout the state offer special scholarships for children to offset the cost of camp.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Mohaven also runs Family Camp! There is no age limit- come with your favorite people and experience the fun of camp. Family camp runs from Wednesday through Sunday to fit a variety of schedules and you can participate in any of our activities, plus special programming and events just for families.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Mohaven offers year-round horseback rides as well as facility rentals. For more information, visit our year-round website at!

Our camp typically runs from the second week of June through July. Please check our website for the most up-to-date information on dates and fees at: Our Camp Website Link:

Every year we recruit outstanding young adults with a deep commitment to Christ and a passion for children! We also recruit a number of Staff-in-Training (ages 16-17) to train with us and learn what it takes. If you're interested in working for us, please submit a staff application found on our website.

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Camp Mohaven

There are 5 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

PGC Basketball
Ohio Location(s)

Visit Our PGC Basketball Website
Choose from over 80 camps across the US and Canada each year
Across the US and Canada

WEST: California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington, Wyoming

MIDWEST: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin

NORTHEAST: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont

SOUTHWEST: Arizona, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

SOUTHEAST: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia<

Canada: Alberta, Ontario

P.O. Box 2202
Mandeville, LA 70470

Watch Our PGC Basketball Video

CAMPER AGES: Overnight Camps for 7th thru 12th grades; Skills Academy day camps for 4th thru 7th grades.

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


PGC Basketball offers game-changing basketball camps for boys and girls entering grades 4 through 12, with locations coast to coast in the United States and Canada. Plus, coaches attend PGC too!

Each summer, 10,000 players from middle school to college attend a PGC Basketball camp or Skills Academy. PGC is for dedicated players who truly want to get better and players of all positions are welcome!

Any player will benefit from PGC—regardless of position or skills—as long as they want to learn and get better.

Basketball, and more. Beyond The Game. At PGC Basketball Camps, Players Develop A Winning Mindset & Leadership Skills On & Off The Court. There Is No Other Place On The Planet Like PGC To Develop A Player's Basketball IQ, Mindset, Leadership, Playmaking, & Confidence — All At The Same Time.

CAMP LOCATION: PGC partners with schools, universities, and private training facilities in 30+ US states and Canadian provinces providing a wide selection of camp locations to choose from. Visit our schedule & locations page for more details: Our Camp Website Link:

Locations include:

WEST: California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington, Wyoming

MIDWEST: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin

NORTHEAST: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont

SOUTHWEST: Arizona, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

SOUTHEAST: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia<

Canada: Alberta, Ontario


For 28 years, PGC Basketball has been the worldwide leader in teaching players how to think the game, be a leader, and run the show.

We believe every player deserves to know how to unlock their potential. We believe every player deserves to discover how to be a leader on and off the court. And, we believe every player deserves to know how to use the game to propel themselves to success in life.

At PGC Basketball, we’re a team of passionate teachers of the game who won’t stop at anything in our quest to inspire and equip dedicated players and coaches everywhere.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Since 2012, PGC has provided more than $500,000 in financial assistance. Each year, we do our best to assist as many families as possible.

Scholarship applications begin each spring for summer sessions at: Our Camp Website Link:

Visit our website to learn about our summer overnight basketball camps, our skills academy camps for youth players, and our fall weekend camps.

Our PGC staff are remarkable individuals with a passion to learn, grow, and impact others. There are three ways to get involved: be a volunteer coach, join our paid summer staff, or join our year-round team.

Our Camp Website Link:

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PGC Basketball

There are 4 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

Dutch Soccer School
Ohio Location(s)

Visit Our Dutch Soccer School Website
410 978 8220
Various Locations
4560 Centennial Lane
Ellicott City, Maryland 21042

California, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin,

Watch Our Dutch Soccer School Video

CAMPER AGES: 8- High School

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Day and Residential Camps

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

Soccer, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We have many day and residential camps this summer in Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, and Wisconsin. There are more details to be found on our website at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: Quality Soccer Fields & Ice Cold Water Also, for our residential campers we will have Air-Conditioned rooms

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We only accept serious players with previous competitive soccer experience. Every year talented players attend our camps and challenge each other to the limit, growing in skill and experience. A number of our campers have experienced training trials with professional clubs in Holland. Our programs are designed to help players achieve their maximum potential through progressive exercises that are individually challenging, as well as appropriate to the age and ability of each player.

We fly in our coaches directly from the Netherlands. They are not merely coaches: they are also teachers. Many of our coaches have graduated from a four- year CIOS College. At the Central Institution of Sports, coaches not only received their coaching licenses from the global leader in soccer development: KNVB (Royal Dutch Soccer Federation) but also learn how to work with, encourage and incentivize young athletes. Every camp group will have the same Dutch coach for the entire week. Our coaches will get to know each of the players in their group and can coach them individually, assessing their needs and improving the specific areas best for them.

For more information i.e. camp location, camp dates, camp philosophy, visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: or email us at info[AT] with any questions or concerns regarding your player.

To find the location and date of the camp most convenient for you, visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:

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Dutch Soccer School

There are 3 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Pillsbury

YMCA Camp Lakewood

Brave Arts Theatre Workshop

Otterbein Summer Music Experience
Westerville, Ohio

Visit Our Otterbein Summer Music Experience Website
614 823 1219
Battelle Fine Arts Center
170 W Park Street
Westerville, Ohio 43081

Watch Our Otterbein Summer Music Experience Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Otterbein Summer Music Experience is a week-long immersion camp for talented and highly committed instrumentalists, singers, and composers. Classes include music history, music theory, performance enhancement, private lessons, and improvisation. Campers will surround themselves with other students who share their passion and energy for music. They will develop new insights into themselves as musicians and performers as they challenge themselves in a week of intensive, real-world music study.

Music/Band, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Otterbein University's campus is located in the Columbus, OH suburb of Westerville.

CAMP FACILITIES: Classes take place at Otterbein's Battelle Fine Arts Center and Riley Auditorium. On campus housing is available in Otterbein dormitories for residential campers.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Otterbein's unique summer program offers high school musicians to opportunity to experience college level music training for a one-week intensive. Classes are integrated to combine all aspects of music performance: Emotional, technical, theoretical, and psychological. The camp is in its ninth year and many campers go on to college music major programs.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Need and talent based scholarships are available.

2023 camp dates are June 11 through June 17.

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Otterbein Summer Music Experience

There are 2 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camps Below

Pine View Acres
Massillon, Ohio

Visit Our Pine View Acres Website
11991 Orrville Street NW
Massillon, Ohio 44647

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Now Welcoming Churches, High Schools and Colleges!

You will find everything you'll need to create your own special camping event here at Pine View Acres, including breathtaking outdoor scenery on 57 acres, a recently remodeled dining hall, a full size gymnasium, and more.

Have a small or a large group?
Only want to stay the weekend?
Want exclusive rights to all facilities?
Call us, and we will offer you a custom quote.

Visit our web-site!

Dance, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Cheerleading, Weightloss, Swimming, Wrestling, Martial Arts, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in beautiful Massillon, Ohio. Only 16 miles to Canton, 22 to Akron, 50 to Cleveland and 144 to Columbus. Situated 2 miles off of Route 21.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have 2 dormitories that can sleep up to 400, a dining hall, full size gym and a swimming pool.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We will work with you to ensure your camp is a success!

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Pine View Acres

There is 1 Top Ohio Sleepaway Camp Below

Ohio Boy Scouts Camps
Summer Camps in Ohio
Simon Kenton Council
Boy Scouts of America
Leadership Development Center
807 Kinnear Rd.
Columbus, OH 43212

(614) 436-7200
(800) 433-4051

Visit our website for more info.

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Over 23 MORE Camps to See!


OHIO SLEEPAWAY CAMP OWNERS & DIRECTORS: If you would like to submit your camp for listing in our 2025 Best Ohio Summer Sleepaway Camps Directory, please click on the "SUBMIT YOUR CAMP" link above.

OHIO SLEEPAWAY CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER SLEEPAWAY CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.

In addition to our 2025 Ohio Summer Sleepaway Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.

You can go directly to any of our other 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.


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HI Best Hawaii Sleepaway Camps ID Best Idaho Sleepaway Camps IL Best Illinois Sleepaway Camps IN Best Indiana Sleepaway Camps IA Best Iowa Sleepaway Camps KS Best Kansas Sleepaway Camps KY Best Kentucky Sleepaway Camps LA Best Louisiana Sleepaway Camps ME Best Maine Sleepaway Camps MD Best Maryland Sleepaway Camps
MA Best Massachusetts Sleepaway Camps MI Best Michigan Sleepaway Camps MN Best Minnesota Sleepaway Camps MS Best Mississippi Sleepaway Camps MO Best Missouri Sleepaway Camps MT Best Montana Sleepaway Camps NE Best Nebraska Sleepaway Camps NV Best Nevada Sleepaway Camps NH Best New Hampshire Sleepaway Camps NJ Best New Jersey Sleepaway Camps
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Best Adventure Camps Best Perf. Arts Camps Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia
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Best Band Camps Best Sleepaway Camps Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
Best Baseball Camps Best Soccer Camps Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
Best Basketball Camps Best Spec'l Needs Camps Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey
Best Boys Camps Best Sports Camps New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio
Best Cheer Camps Best Swim Camps Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina
Best Christian Camps Best Tech Camps South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont
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Updated: May 24, 2018

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